歌手:云菲菲 |
所属专辑:挑灯回看 |
发行时间:2019.10.30 |
发行公司:通力唱片 |
挑灯回看 - 云菲菲
思念翻山越岭 撩动着珠帘
映照心事 寂寞无言独向晚
离人天涯远 浪迹不靠岸
偏被时光 紧催行路撑一竿
又见春风十里 草绿花繁
For me all this makes me miss you more
如此良辰美景 没你在身边
It doesn't make any sense to me
Oh oh oh oh
Oh 我挑灯回看
往事里贪欢 把酒醉一盏
You are still for me only the one
惹思绪纷纷 乱三千
又见春风十里 草绿花繁
For me all this makes me miss you more
如此良辰美景 没你在身边
It doesn't make any sense to me
Oh oh oh oh
Oh 我挑灯回看
往事里贪欢 把酒醉一盏
You are still for me only the one
惹思绪纷纷 乱三千
诺言在耳畔 刹那泪如线
You are the love of all my life
眉间心上 遥祝你轻安