New York New York (Live)
I am leaving today
I'll make a brand-new

start of it
New York, New York
These vagabond shoes
They are longing to stray
Right through
the very heart of it
New York, New York
I want to wake up
in that city
That doesn't sleep
And find I'm king of the hill
Top of the heap
My little town blues
They are melting away
I gonna make a brand
new start of it
In old New York
If I can make it there
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you
New York, New York

New York, New York
I want to wake up in that city
That never sleeps
And find I'm king of the hill
Top of the list
Head of the heap
King of the hill
These are little town blues
They have all melted away
I am about to make a brand
new start of it
Right there in old New York
And you bet
If I can make it there
I'm gonna make it
It's up to you

New York, New York

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