Can You Hear Me?~可愿听我
作词 : Bob Chilcott
作曲 : Bob Chilcott

I look around me as I grow
成长之途 四周环顾
I'd like to tell you all I know
愿将心扉 与你倾诉
I see life with all its energy
蓬勃百川 生机万物
The city streets, the rush time
乾坤熙熙 光阴碌碌
This is my world, it's where I like to be
吾之天下 心之归路
So much to see, so much to find
目之所及 觅之朝暮
I sometimes sit and wait a while
俄而少憩 溪亭暂驻
I see the sun, it makes me smile
艳阳如斯 笑靥如故
Can you see it? Can you see it too?
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Can you see it? Can you see it too?
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I feel life with all its energy
蓬勃百川 生机四方
The joy of waking every day
悦目娱心 更新万象
This is my world, it's where I like to be
吾之天下 心之所向
So much to do, so much to say
所言所行 尽兴欢畅
I sometimes sit and feel the sun
俄而少憩 沐浴阳光
Its warmth is there for everyone
温柔和煦 无尽之藏
Can you feel it? Can you feel it too?
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Can you feel it? Can you feel it too?
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My world is a silent one, but it's enough for me.
大音希声 寂静难舍
I hear you through your hands. The movement sets me free.
举手投足 入耳如歌
But it could be a special thing
凡尘唯你 异色烟火
to hear your voice to hear your sing
你之言语 你之唱和
Can you hear me? Can you hear me too?
可曾听我 亦曾听我
Can you hear me? Can you hear me too?
可曾听我 亦曾听我
I look around me as I grow
世事阡陌 岁月长河
I'd like to tell you all I know
心事斑驳 共你诉说
Can you hear me?
此情脉脉 可愿听我
指挥:赵轶凡 钢琴/郑河 翻译/刘霄
演出:上海双曲线混声合唱团/北京酷儿合唱团/成都吾恣室内合唱团/蓝声合唱团/广州六色音符合唱团/山西蓝典同声合唱团/南京New Jump合唱团

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