作词 : 李晨曦Chrisulous
作曲 : 李晨曦Chrisulous
In the noon of2019, he witnessed too much sweat, eyes that could not close, and dreams that could not put down, all condensed in the video, longing for a brilliant expression.
In order to succeed, in order to become famous, in order to harvest morepeople's eyes, in order to be able to become her pride, he must stand out chest forward, step bystep19年的中午,见证太多汗水,合不上的双眼,放不下的梦,凝聚在视频中,渴望能有一次辉煌的表达。
Age of kid, but not a kid anymore还是孩子的年纪,但早已能独当一面
Live in ur own life, this is what you looking for能掌握自己的人生,这便是你所追求的
Games for me, have opened me another door游戏对我而言像是打开了一扇新的大门
Happy birthday hope u gon have many more生日快乐,希望你能得到越来越多
Cause all I gotta say因为那是我想说的
He treats every game like a competition他把每场游戏视作比赛
He charged every time without hesitation他每次冲锋都毫不犹豫
Looking for my planet in the universe在浩瀚的宇宙中寻找我的星球
I'll light it up yeah i can do itthat's my word我一定会点亮它的,我说到做到
Exertion gave me answer then i got my turf努力给了我答案我便一马当先
Whenit's all overu'll know why I did it for当一切结束时你就会明白我做这些是为了什么
Looking for my planet in the universe在浩瀚的宇宙中寻找我的星球
I'll light it up yeah i can do itthat's my word我一定会点亮它的,我说到做到
Exertion gave me answer then i got my turf努力给了我答案我便一马当先
Whenit's all overu'll know why I did it for当一切结束时你就会明白我做这些是为了什么
Age of kid, but not a kid anymore还是孩子的年纪,但内心早已不再青涩
Live in ur own life, this is what you looking for过自己想要的生活,你一定可以做到的
Games for me, have opened me another door游戏对我而言如同打开了一扇新的大门
Happy birthday hope u gon have many more新的一岁!再接再厉!
No more confused even at the crossroads站在十字路口时也没有了犹豫
I told myself that the best day always would be tomorrow我告诉我自己明天永远是最好的
The shape of my dream has become more and more clear我梦想的轮廓已经越来越清晰
Be honestly with all your support so i got nothing to fear扪心自问,正是因为有你们的支持我才无所畏惧
Congratulationsit's a brand new day for ya恭喜你,这是全新的开端
Ur fans will always stay你的粉丝永远会陪着你
U never disguise ur face你从不用虚伪掩面
U looks so perfect by the way你永远看起来元气满满
Midsummer imprint仲夏的烙印
Your name was mentioned你的名字被唤起
All the way all the way step forward一往直前
Looking for my planet in the universe在浩瀚的宇宙中寻找我的星球
I'll light it up yeah i can do itthat's my word我一定点亮灯火,谨遵诺言
Exertion gave me answer then i got my turf拼搏的汗水换来了颇丰的收获
Whenit's all overu'll know why I did it for当一切都尘埃落定后,回首望去会是感慨吧
Looking for my planet in the universe在浩瀚的宇宙中寻找我的星球
I'll light it up yeah i can do itthat's my word我一定点亮灯火,谨遵诺言
Exertion gave me answer then i got my turf拼搏的汗水换来了颇丰的收获
Whenit's all overu'll know why I did it for当一切结束时你就会明白我做这些是为了什么
Age of kid, but not a kid anymore还是孩子的年纪,但早已能独当一面
Live in ur own life, this is what you looking for能掌握自己的人生,这便是你所追求的
Games for me, have opened me another door游戏对我而言像是打开了一扇新的大门
Happy birthday hope u gon have many more生日快乐,希望你能得到越来越多
Age of kid, but not a kid anymore还是孩子的年纪,但内心早已不再青涩
Live in ur own life, this is what you looking for过自己想要的生活,你一定可以做到的
Games for me, have opened me another door游戏对我而言如同打开了一扇新的大门
Happy birthday hope u gon have many more新的一岁!再接再厉!
Age of kid but not a kid anymore独当一面
Not a kid anymore是的…

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