I've Been Waiting For My Waves To Come
  所属专辑:The Great Escape Of Our Time
  发行公司:Sound of Tomorrow Ltd.
作词 : 裘詠靖
作曲 : 裘詠靖
Head south, into the isle
一路向南 朝孤岛而去
I’ve been waiting for my waves to come
Head down, into the tide
头颅低垂 踏入潮水
I’ve been waiting for my waves to come
Oh I’ve been waiting for my waves to come
噢 我一直等待属于我的时机到来
Good morning and goodbye
早安 再见
All my friends so wasted last night
I’ll catch y’all on the beachside (Yes, I will)
我会在海滨等着你们 (不见不散呦)
Time’s on my side
我时间很多 来日方长
Yes I’m waiting on a good ride
When the right one comes at last I’ll pull off a pop-up
待那一刻最终到来 我会击出一记高飞球
Head south, into the isle
一路向南 朝孤岛而去
I’ve been waiting for my waves to come
Head down, into the tide
头颅低垂 踏入潮水
I’ve been waiting for my waves to come
Oh I’ve been waiting for my waves to come
噢 我一直等待属于我的时机到来
Oh pause
噢 暂停下
It’s Lulu and Skye
Ray and Tank and my brah Shuai “Yo daug! Where you’ve been man?”
还有Ray和Tank 以及我的兄弟Shuai "嘿 老兄!你去哪了?"
Sunset Crew and the Duckweed Gang hell yeah!
Sunset Crew还有Duckweed Gang的朋友也来了 太棒了!
Friends on my side
Super tight it’s a good good life
亲密无间 多么美好的生活
So bring me back to shore as I pull off a pop-up
所以带我回到岸边 我会击出一记高飞球
I pull off a pop-up
Head south, into the isle
一路向南 朝孤岛而去
I’ve been waiting for my waves to come
Head down, into the tide
头颅低垂 踏入潮水
I’ve been waiting for my waves to come
Oh I’ve been waiting for my waves to come
噢 我一直等待属于我的时机到来
Oh Baby!
噢 宝贝!

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