幻想乐园 (Welcome to Fantasyland!)
  所属专辑:幻想乐园 Fantasyland
作曲 Composer:陈致逸 Yu-Peng Chen
编曲 Arranger:陈致逸 Yu-Peng Chen

管弦乐队录制(Orchestra Recording):

乐队 Orchestra:伦敦爱乐乐团 London Philharmonic Orchestra
指挥 Conductor:Robert Ziegler
钢琴 Piano:陈致逸 Yu-Peng Chen
录音棚 Recording Studio:Abbey Road Studios
录音师 Recording Engineer:Simon Rhodes
录音操作员 Recordist:Christopher Parker
录音师助理 Engineer Assistant:Tom Ashpitel / Marcus Siu / James Brennan

附加管乐录制(Additional Woodwinds & Brass Recording):

乐队 Orchestra:Session Players from Isobel Griffiths Ltd
指挥 Conductor:Geoff Alexander
录音棚 Recording Studio:Abbey Road Studios
录音师 Recording Engineer:Lewis Jones
录音操作员 Recordist:Christopher Parker
录音师助理 Engineer Assistant:Matt Jones

手风琴与合唱录制(Accordion and Choir Recording):

手风琴 Accordion:刘昭 Zhao Liu
童声合唱 Children's Choir:Sfuture艺术团
合唱指挥 Choir Conductor:齐放 Fang Qi
录音棚 Recording Studio:上海广播大厦录音棚 SMG Music Studio
录音师 Recording Engineer:莫家伟 Jiawei Mo

声音后期制作(Mixing and Mastering):

音频编辑 Editing Engineer:George Oulton / 黄巍 Zach Huang
混音师 Mixing Engineer:Simon Rhodes / Lewis Jones / 黄巍 Zach Huang
母带 Mastering Enigineer:黄巍 Zach Huang

制作人 Producer:陈致逸 Yu-Peng Chen

出品(Presented by):

Yinxu Culture Co., Ltd|Yu-Peng Music Studio

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