作词 : 辛禄乐队
作曲 : 辛禄乐队
In the silence of the night I hear the echoes of our past
A melody of memories now fading fast
Every word we spoke every laugh we shared
Now all that's left are the whispers in the air
And just like that a period marks the end
A simple dot, but it changes everything
Our story's done the chapter's closed
A sentence made with no room for those
We walked the path hand in hand, side by side
But now the road diverges and we can't hide
The promises we made the dreams we had
Are now just lines in the sand where the ocean laughs
And just like that a period marks the end
A simple dot but it changes everything
Our story's done the chapter's closed
A sentence made with no room for those
But in this dot there's a world unseen
A place where our hearts can still be free
A space between where we once were
A pause in time a moment to recall
And just like that a period marks the end
A simple dot but it changes everything
Our story's done the chapter's closed
A sentence made with no room for those
So here's the dot the final word
A closure found a new path stirred
Our tale is told in ink and rhyme
A period placed a new page signed

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