作词 : 辛禄乐队
作曲 : 辛禄乐队
In the quiet of the dawn
when the world is still asleep
I gather the leaves the whispers of the deep
A blend of secrets a mix of ancient lore
In the steam that rises
I find what I'm looking for
暖一杯茶 在寒冷的夜里
温暖了心房 驱散了孤寂
暖一杯茶 在忙碌的午后
让心灵小憩 享受片刻的宁静
The kettle sings a song a melody so sweet
As the water dances in the heat it meets
The leaves unfurl their stories to tell
In every sip
I find myself in a different realm
暖一杯茶 在疲惫的归途
抚慰了心灵 带来了安宁
暖一杯茶 在寂静的晨曦
唤醒了希望 迎接新的开始
In the cup a universe a world so small
Yet in its warmth I find the strength to stand tall
Through the storms through the night
Warm a cup of tea my constant light
暖一杯茶 在疲惫的归途
抚慰了心灵 带来了安宁
暖一杯茶 在寂静的晨曦
唤醒了希望 迎接新的开始
So here's to the tea to the moments we share
In the warmth of the cup we find solace rare
Warm a cup of tea in every season
A simple joy a timeless reason

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