歌手:陈洁仪 |
所属专辑:别让我恨你 |
发行时间:1996.12.09 |
发行公司:立得唱片 |
Mr Turner, oh Mr Turner
ooh..Mr. Turner ooh...Mr. Turner
It was a fine Sunday morning
When I walked into your room
And your eyes they were telling me
You didn t wanna be alone
Oh how you made my heart ache
I guess you didn’t know that
For Mr Turner, Mr Turner
Yor looked like my Grandpa
You room it was full of
The sunshine of yesterday
The pictures on your walls
They made you smile
Oh but they made me cry
I looked your bookshelves
You were reading Gorbachev and
The Eastern Bloc s history
The Eastern Bloc s history
And Edgar Allan Poe
Mr Turner, oh Mr Turner
Oh, How you made my heart ache
I asked you why you came here
You told me it s just part of life
You said growing old
Was like being thrown in a pool
And you had to swim
Or you had to drown
I told ya you didn‘t have to worry
That life s just like a day
And growing up was sunrise
And growing old was sunset
I wanna hold your hand in mine
Oh Mr Turner, oh Mr Turner
You know you were very much like my grandpa
Oh Mr Turner, oh Mr Turner...
And now that I have left you
I wish you all the best
That you‘ll love your life
Like you’ll love a good sunset
And then you’ll have all the glory of
The dying rays of the sun
That will never set
or the sun that will set
But will rise again someday