I Don't Give a Hoot
  所属专辑:BOB MUSIC
作词 : Joanna Wang
作曲 : Coach & Sendo/Joanna Wang

What anybody says to me
I don't give a hoot!

Well I got the blues but I don't care what anybody says to me
其实我有些沮丧 但我不在乎人家对我说的话
Well I got the blues but I don't care what anybody says to me!
我有些心伤 但我真的不在乎 人家对我说的话

What anybody says, anybody says, anybody says to me!
别人的恶语相向 冷嘲热讽 我才不在意
What anybody says, anybody says, anybody says to me!
那些人面桃花 闲言碎语,我才不放在心上

Well I got the blues but I don't care what anybody says to me
虽然我有些沮丧 但我不在乎他们的蠢话
Well I got the blues but I don't care what anybody says to me!
我有些失落 但我才不在意他们那狭隘的大脑

What anybody says, anybody says, anybody says to me!
黑子们那充满仇恨的言语 我才不在乎
What anybody says, anybody says, anybody says to me!
那些浅薄的思想 我才不去理会

It's not difficult as it seems
When you think about it, it's like a dream!
仔细琢磨 一切就像是场闹梦

It's not difficult as it seems
When you think about it, it's like a dream!
仔细想想 一笑而过

Well I got the blues but I don't care what anybody says to me
其实我有些沮丧 但我不在乎人家对我说的话
Well I got the blues but I don't care what anybody says to me!
即使我很受挫 但我才不去在意那些耳食之言

What anybody says, anybody says, anybody says to me!
那些面目可憎 令人厌倦的言语
What anybody says, anybody says, anybody says to me!
那些飞短流长 闲言碎语,我才不在乎!

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