Adult Crap(Live)
王若琳 - Adult Crap

I gotta say, life isn't how I expected.
But in a way, I guess that's nice.
O, not really.
And you'd think that I'd cry myself to sleep.
And maybe you're right, but what can I do

All these pills, bookkeeping, pleasant things like so
So many things, ah, how I want them,
but money comes and goes.
And you'd think that I'd cry myself to sleep.
And maybe you're right, but what can I do?

What am I upposed to do with this mess called life?
And people say,
'You'll figure it out somewhere along the way.'

Still every night I'd cry myself to sleep.
Do you see a bit of you in me?
And you'd think that I'd cry myself to sleep.
Do you see a bit of you in me?

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