歌手:ETA乐队 |
所属专辑:η!ETA |
发行时间:2019.10.10 |
发行公司:StreetVoice |
也许是记忆中Michael Jackson高亢的歌喉与神奇的节奏,又或者是Prince那诡异的旋律与天马行空的编曲构思,推动着我们去做了这样一张有着强烈复古情怀,却又不囿于复古的一张专辑。
在专辑的七首歌中,传递着乐队每一个成员不同的思想与信念,有Blessing和U Are The One的那种肯定自我,积极向上地追寻梦想的精神,也有在都市中对着最爱的伴侣唱着I Wanna U和Beautiful Lover传递着炽烈的感情,还有伴随着Feel The Beat的节奏一起摇摆着上个世纪流行的节拍与舞步,听着“忙”这首歌去反思并度过生命中每一个迷茫时刻。
我们想借着上个世纪那个巨星横行的八十年代里经典熟悉的声音,来表述我们自己在这个纷繁年代里的审美与追求。不论是强劲的Funky Music,还是大气磅礴的Synth-Pop,希望通过这张从80年代书柜里的磁带封面,到每一首精心制作的歌曲,能打动每一位想回到那个熟悉年代的你们。
We have a tacit understanding on music, and always get into warm, beautiful and retro ones. It could be the singing voice and magical rhythm of Michael Jackson, it could also be the exotic melody and imaginative music arrangement of Prince that inspires us to make such an album with a strong retro feeling, but not reluctant to retro only.
There are seven songs on this album, and each of them conveys the different thoughts and beliefs of each member of us. and , for instance, are encouraging people to affirm themselves and be determined to chase for what they’ve always wanted for. People can also show their blazing feelings to their companion with and in urban life. With the rhythm of , people can slowly dance to the beats of the last century, and "Busy" is to drive us to reflect on ourselves about the meaning of life.
We want to express our own aesthetics and pursuits in this age by using the classic and familiar sounds of the superstars from the last century, whether it’s powerful Funk Music or magnificent Synth-Pop, and also to impress people who wants to go back to that familiar age with vintage tape cover from the 80s and every well-crafted piece of music.