歌手:Vinida (万妮达)
  发行公司:D.N.A x 银河方舟StarNation

Dragons are Never Afraid of making hits!

DNA Music Alliance is a music alliance initiated by Chinese musician/producer Lay Zhang in 2022, with co-initiators including GALI, Yichun Shan, Ziyi Wang, Danko, Vinida Weng, and V ictor Ma. The alliance aims to provide an innovative and collaborative music exchange platform for outstanding domestic musicians and top-level production teams that are currently most sought-after overseas, and to jointly create high-quality international music works, promoting Chinese music to the world.
《D.N.A》是D.N.A音乐联盟于2023年发行的首张原创专辑,整张专辑以「爱」为主题,作品风格融合Pop/R&B/Hip Hop,希望通过《D.N.A》向大众传递 D.N.A音乐联盟包容和多元的音乐精神。《D.N.A》制作人阵容包括MurdaBeatz(Billboard说唱歌曲制作人第一,格莱美白金唱片制作人)、Soolgothits(格莱美获奖R&B制作人)、BoogzDaBeast(Kanye West 制作公司GOOD MUSIC资深制作人) 、格莱美提名制作人YoungDZA、英国格莱美制作团队FNZ等数十位国际顶级音乐制作人。强大的国际制作团队将为联盟音乐作品注入新鲜血液。

"D.N.A" is the first original album released by the D.N.A Music Alliance in 2023. The album is themed around "love" and blends styles of Pop/R&B/Hip Hop, aiming to convey the inclusive and diverse music spirit of the D.N.A Music Alliance. The production team of "D.N.A" includes dozens of top international music producers such as MurdaBeatz (Billboard's top rap song producer, Grammy platinum record producer), Soolgothits (Grammy-winning R&B producer), BoogzDaBeast (senior producer of Kanye West's production company GOOD MUSIC), Grammy-nominated producer YoungDZA, and British Grammy production team FNZ. The powerful lineup of international production teams will inject fresh blood into the Alliance's music works.
The cover of the "D.N.A" album is inspired by the concept of "dragon claws holding a heart," which not only fits the foreshadowing of the league lineup announcement, "who holds the DNA dragon ball," but also highlights the league's annual theme - "love."

《D.N.A Cypher I》

由D.N.A音乐联盟张艺兴、GALI、王子异、单依纯及四圣兽预备成员-LIN合作完成。歌曲以R&B风格为基调,融合了Hip Hop元素,是一首兼具律动感及氛围感的「D.N.A式情歌」。制作部分由张艺兴携手格莱美白金唱片制作人MurdaBeatz以及Kanye West制作团队资深制作人BoogzDaBeast,格莱美奖得主FNZ联合制作完成。编曲融入了Murda的鼓点律动以及Kanye West制作团队一贯的旋律调性。
‘D.N.A Cypher I’
Completed by D.N.A Music Alliance Lay Zhang , GALI, Ziyi Wang, Yichun Shan and LIN. The song is mainly based on R&B style, fused with Hip Hop elements, and is a "D.N.A-style love song" that combines rhythm and atmosphere. The production part was jointly produced by Lay Zhang , Grammy Platinum Record producer MurdaBeatz and senior producer BoogzDaBeast of Kanye West's production team, and Grammy Award winner FNZ. The arrangement incorporates Murda's drum rhythm and Kanye West's production team's usual melodic tone.
《D.N.A Cypher II》

由D.N.A音乐联盟张艺兴、弹壳、万妮达、马伯骞合作完成。不同于Cypher I的舒缓R&B曲风,Cypher II则是更加纯正的Hip Hop风格。编曲融合了中国乐器马头琴,这也践行了张艺兴作为制作人一直以来都在推广的M-Pop理念。歌曲制作上无论是旋律或鼓点都体现了Murda Beatz浓厚的个人风格,4位音乐人的诠释也充分展现了各自的声线及创作特色。「传统的艺术 骨子里根深蒂固着 将民族自信深深刻进我们D.N.A」
‘D.N.A Cypher II’
Completed by D.N.A Music Alliance Lay Zhang , Danko, Vinida Weng, and Victor Ma . Unlike the soothing R&B style of Cypher I, Cypher II is a more authentic Hip Hop style. The arrangement incorporates the Chinese instrument Matouqin, which is also the M-Pop concept that Lay Zhang has been promoting as a producer. The song's production, whether it is melody or drumbeat, has a strong personal style of Murda Beatz, and the interpretation of the four musicians fully demonstrates their vocal and creative characteristics. "Traditional art is deeply rooted in our bones, and it deeply engraves national confidence into our D.N.A."
《All In》
“If I go, All in”传递的是每个人关于爱的不同理解,希望我们都有勇气去感受和发现身边的爱与美好。全力以赴,毫无保留,无所畏惧,这是情感最浪漫的表达方式。由D.N.A音乐联盟张艺兴、单依纯、马伯骞联合呈现,以流行音乐为基调,融合了rap元素,是D.N.A音乐联盟继全员Cypher发行后的首支联盟音乐人合作歌曲。
‘All In’
"If I go, All in" conveys everyone's different understanding of love. Hopefully we all have the courage to feel and discover the love and beauty around us.
Without reservation, without fear, is the most romantic expression of love.
Presented jointly by Lay Zhang, Yichun Shan, and Victor Ma from the D.N.A Music Alliance, this song focuses on pop music production and integrates rap music elements. It is the first collaborative single released by D.N.A Music Alliance.
《Wait For You》
‘Wait For You’
Monologues are also confessions. Since the accidental encounter, love has quietly sprouted in the bottom of my heart. We are stars in the universe separated by light years, but we can be the only one who can understand each other's souls. I will wait, wait for the infinite proximity of our trajectory, and then explore the secrets of the galaxy with you. D.N.A international production presents. D.N.A trend musician Victor Ma expresses a story about love and waiting.
《Oh lala》
在关于爱的表达上,无论是心跳加速的瞬间还是肢体触碰的感觉,多巴胺的释放都让“暧昧”变得令人着迷。“Oh la la la”讲述了两个人之间的微妙情感关系,在某个瞬间就让我们放下顾虑和克制,只凭直觉去感受爱吧。国际制作团队白金唱片制作人Bijan操刀制作,R&B曲风结合D.N.A音乐联盟成员单依纯极具辨识度的声线特质,使《Oh lala》在听感上完美地平衡了慵懒、性感和轻松。
‘Oh lala’
When it comes to expressing love, whether it's a moment of accelerated heartbeat or a sensation of physical touch, the release of dopamine makes ‘ambiguity’ a fascinating sensation. "Oh la la la" tells the delicate emotional relationship between the couple. At a certain moment, let's just let it go. Feel love intuitively without worries and restraint.
Bijan, multi-platinum record producer from the D.N.A international production team created the production. The combination of R&B style and the highly recognizable vocal characteristics of Yichun Shan, a member of the D.N.A Music Alliance, makes "Oh lala" a perfect balance between laziness, sexiness, and relaxation in the listening experience.
《Break My Heart》
「Break My Heart」是一场失恋后的内心独白。当两人之间的关系从熟悉到陌生,从亲密到疏离,这些落差与情感变化总是混杂着与对方有关的点滴回忆,“1,2,3 没有降落伞, 跳吧”。在经历了内心的反复挣扎后,也还是要与这段感情做告别。由D.N.A音乐联盟张艺兴、万妮达、GALI共同呈现,融合流行与rap元素的浪漫心碎情歌。
‘Break My Heart’
"Break My Heart" is a monologue about the emotions experienced after a breakup. The emotional gap mixed with bits and pieces of memories related to the other person as the relationship goes from familiarity to unfamiliarity and intimacy to estrangement, "1, 2, 3 no parachute, jump". After struggling inwardly, it is still necessary to say goodbye to this relationship. "Break My Heart" is presented by D.N.A Music Alliance's Lay Zhang , Vinida Weng and GALI, this is a romantic and heartbreaking song that combines pop and rap elements.
《What She Said》
讲述了一段亲密关系画下句点后的复杂心路历程,在理智与情感的反复拉扯中,一面是看破而不说破的冷静洒脱;一面是还想“和你在一起”的内心真实写照。梦幻的R&B曲风结合D.N.A音乐联盟万妮达细腻的声线,一起走进关于「What She Said」的情感故事吧。
‘What She Said’
"What She Said" tells the complex emotional journey after the end of an intimate relationship, in which the protagonist struggles between reason and emotion. On one hand, she remains calm and detached without revealing her true feelings; on the other hand, her innermost thoughts reveal that she still wants to be with her partner. The dreamy R&B style combined with D.N.A. Music Alliance Vinida Weng's delicate voice brings you into the emotional story about "What She Said".
"She slowly released her hand and faced the wind , When she pressed the accelerator" , Ashley's 21st birthday was not so perfect, and her world was full of too much uncertainty, but she still wanted to grasp the moment of beauty. Like the fireflies shining in the night, flowing brilliantly, it is short-lived but magnificent. Produced by Grammy Award winner soolgothits, in the artistic music expression of D.N.A Music Alliance GALI, let's feel the broken aesthetic created by "21".
《Racks On Me》
「 I got tracks on me, I got racks on me」实现音乐理想,达到财富自由,不需要过太多华丽的词藻,就用行动去证明一切。由白金唱片制作人Yung Dza制作,D.N.A音乐联盟张艺兴、弹壳、王子异联合呈现。
‘Racks On Me’
"I got tracks on me, I got racks on me." This song proves the possibility of achieving musical dreams and financial freedom through concrete actions, without the need for extravagant words. The song was produced by platinum record producer Yung Dza and performed by Lay Zhang , Danko, and Ziyi Wang of the D.N.A Music Alliance.
《No Reason》
炎炎夏日无需任何理由,此刻放下所有烦恼和压力,跟随「No Reason」的节奏一起晃动,彰显年轻态度。D.N.A音乐联盟王子异与加拿大亚裔音乐人anders联合呈现,在单曲创作过程中同为Z世代的2位音乐人首度合作便展现了十足默契。
‘No Reason’
In the scorching summer, there is no need for any reason. Let go of all troubles and pressures, follow the rhythm of "No Reason", and show your youthful attitude. D.N.A Music Alliance's Ziyi Wang and Canadian Asian musician anders present their first collaboration in the creation of this single. The two musicians of Generation Z have shown great understanding in the creative process.
关于「爱」最浪漫的告白或许就是「除了你」,身处花花世界、周遭人来人往「我不在意 也不关心 可除了你」。D.N.A音乐联盟弹壳从个人视角诠释了爱情中的责任与陪伴、守护与承诺,和你一起度过的每一天都值得被记录。
Perhaps the most romantic declaration of love is "except for you". Amidst the hustle and bustle of the world, with people coming and going, "I don't care and don't mind, but except for you". D.N.A Music Alliance member Danko interprets love from a personal perspective, highlighting the responsibility, companionship, protection, and commitment that come with it. Every day spent with you is worth remembering.
Face challenges and maintain good condition, complete combos, and overlook everything at the peak no matter who the opponent is. Follow the strong rhythm of "UZI" and enter the game together to win MVP. Presented jointly by Lay Zhang, the founder of D.N.A Music Alliance, and LIN, feel the power of "UZI" in a personality-filled flow.
《Right Back》
每一次短暂分别,只想快点回到你的身边,「离开你就像失去了空气 不受控制地想念你」是最简单、真挚的告白。D.N.A音乐联盟主理人张艺兴最新“Lay式情歌”,将温柔与爱意娓娓道来:每当你累得时候回头看,我永远都在你身边。
‘Right Back’
Every brief separation, I just want to return to your side quickly. "Leaving you is like losing air, uncontrollably missing you" is the simplest and most sincere confession. Lay Zhang , the founder of D.N.A Music Alliance, presents his latest "Lay-style love song," gently expressing affection: whenever you are tired and look back, I will always be by your side.
序列 歌曲标题 时长 歌手
1.Right Back 02:53D.N.A / 张艺兴
2.Racks On Me 02:40D.N.A / 张艺兴 / 王子异 / 弹壳Danko
3.No Reason 02:33D.N.A / 王子异 / anders
4.除了你 03:11D.N.A / 弹壳Danko
5.21 02:45D.N.A / GALI
6.What She Said 03:34D.N.A / Vinida (万妮达)
7.Break My Heart 03:12D.N.A / 张艺兴 / GALI / Vinida (万妮达)
8.Oh lala 02:34D.N.A / 单依纯
9.All In 03:21D.N.A / 张艺兴 / 单依纯 / 马伯骞
10.Wait For You 02:58D.N.A / 马伯骞
11.D.N.A Cypher I 03:14D.N.A / 张艺兴 / GALI / 单依纯 / 王子异
12.D.N.A Cypher II 02:39D.N.A / 张艺兴 / 弹壳Danko / Vinida (万妮达) / 马伯骞
13.UZI 03:08D.N.A / 张艺兴 / LIN

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