歌手:林一峰(Chet Lam)
  所属专辑:林一峰 x 香港中乐团 (第一章)
  发行公司:LYFE Company Limited
序列 歌曲标题 时长 歌手
1.笑踏河山 (Live) 03:47林一峰 / Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
2.万花筒 / 梦飞行 (Live) 07:52林一峰 / Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
3.Soak up the Moon (Live) 04:22林一峰 / Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
4.思路 (Live) 03:24林一峰 / Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
5.忘尽心中情 (Live) 05:13林一峰 / Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
6.爱你枕边暖 (Live) 04:49林一峰 / Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra / 林二汶
7.Puff the Magic Dragon (Live) 04:47林一峰 / Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
8.老榕树 (Live) 04:23林一峰 / Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
9.陈忠汉与赵美凤 (Live) 04:40林一峰 / Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
10.回到花开的那天 (Live) 04:51林一峰 / Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
11.万水千山纵横 (Live) 03:04林一峰 / Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra

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