歌手:阿鲲(Roc Chen)
序列 歌曲标题 时长 歌手
1.落入凡尘的夜 (Into The Mortal Night) 02:06阿鲲
2.小凡的心 (Fanning's Heart) 03:24阿鲲
3.重回星辰殿 (Return To Star Hall) 01:34阿鲲
4.母亲的消息 (Truth Of Mother) 03:41阿鲲
5.七古镇 (Qigu Town) 01:19阿鲲
6.再见 妹妹 (Farewell, Sister) 01:01阿鲲
7.织女的故事 (The Story Of Zhinu) 05:10阿鲲
8.心弦 (Heartstrings) 01:21阿鲲
9.母亲的画像 (Portrait Of Mother) 01:03阿鲲
10.兄妹一心 (United Siblings) 02:00阿鲲
11.战灵毕 (Clash With Lingbi) 04:53阿鲲
12.真香火锅 (Yummy Hot Pot) 00:50阿鲲
13.下界 (Descend) 02:23阿鲲
14.反目 (Split) 04:39阿鲲
15.开篇 (Prelude) 01:58阿鲲
16.女土蝠 (Earth Bat Of Girl) 01:13阿鲲
17.降伏星宿 (Capture Mansion Spirits) 00:58阿鲲
18.小凡 (Fanning) 01:22阿鲲
19.小凡的方法 (Fanning's Solution) 00:49阿鲲
20.回忆 (Memories) 02:13阿鲲
21.看见凡人母子 (Seeing Regular Family) 00:21阿鲲
22.金风PK小凡 (Jinfeng Vs. Fanning) 01:04阿鲲
23.星辰殿 (The Star Hall) 04:10阿鲲
24.被困地牢 (Trapped In Dungeon) 00:47阿鲲
25.凡不烦 (Fanning The Annoying?) 00:52阿鲲
26.一起走吧 (Walk In The Field) 00:36阿鲲
27.小凡的主意 (Fanning's Idea) 01:27阿鲲
28.牛金牛 (Golden Ox Of Ox) 00:22阿鲲
29.小孩别跑 (Stop, Kid) 00:48阿鲲
30.师父怀想 屋顶打斗 (Master's Remembrance, Rooftop Battle) 02:43阿鲲
31.小凡噼里啪啦 (Pitter-Patters Of Her Feet) 00:19阿鲲
32.金创药 (Healing Elixir) 00:21阿鲲
33.疗伤 (The Cure) 00:22阿鲲
34.鸳鸯锅 (Double-Flavor Hot Pot) 00:32阿鲲
35.辣不辣 (Spicy?) 00:57阿鲲
36.尾火虎现身 (Fire Tiger Of Tail Appears) 02:21阿鲲
37.尾火虎吃到了辣椒油,哦豁 (Oops, Fire Tiger Licks Chili Oil) 01:06阿鲲
38.又是鸳鸯锅 (Double-Flavor Hot Pot Again) 00:32阿鲲
39.我不是扛把子 (Not Some Big Shot) 00:30阿鲲
40.天台谈心 (Heart-To-Heart On The Rooftop) 04:29阿鲲
41.两人想办法 (Think Together) 00:20阿鲲
42.路过大战的遗迹 (The Battle-Scarred Field) 00:32阿鲲
43.挑拨 (Sow Discord) 00:36阿鲲
44.猜疑 (Suspicion) 01:02阿鲲
45.有大蛇出没的村庄 (The Serpent-Prowled Village) 01:09阿鲲
46.探讨打蛇方案 (Strategizing Against The Serpent) 00:23阿鲲
47.大战前夜 (Eve Of The Battle) 00:46阿鲲
48.大战翼火蛇 (Battle With Fire Serpent Of Wings) 05:18阿鲲
49.金风回家 (Jinfeng Returns Home) 00:52阿鲲
50.金风赶回村庄 (Jinfeng Rushes Back) 01:22阿鲲
51.降临 (Arrival) 00:41阿鲲
52.我们不是说好的吗 (You Promised) 00:46阿鲲
53.藏经阁寻母 (Seeking Mother In Scripture Library) 01:26阿鲲
54.大祸来临 (Imminent Calamity) 01:02阿鲲
55.想念 (Longing) 00:52阿鲲
56.危机 (Crisis) 00:41阿鲲
57.发力 (Power Up) 00:58阿鲲
58.这个是制片人硬要的 (As The Producer Insisted) 01:02阿鲲

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